[Movement] WASD 

[Reload Dice] SPACE

[Cast Magic] Mouse (Aim) Left Click (Fire)


[Power Dice] - rolls for Strength of Attack (future updates would alter what each element does)

[Mage Dice] - rolls 4 options [Fire] [Ice] [Lightning] [Healing]

(fixes we would make given time, only had about 24 hours to work on it)

-Aspect ratio and UI fixes

-Adding Audio and sfx

-Feedback on spells and slime kills

-Better mapping and environments (generated maps and rooms)

-Different Enemy Types

-We would consider putting the game on a grid system and changing the time to turn based to make it more strategic (the dice concept was the most exciting part)

-If we had time we had plenty more ideas that we would have implemented


[Programming] - MysteryKitsune (did what I could under time constraints)

[Art] - Bunny (ty for all your hard work)

[Environment] - Borrowed Assets from (nice assets!)

[Particles] - Hovl Studio unity store kit (I could have used these better, my bad!)

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